Women and Health Problems

Health Challenges That Face Women

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Women and health problems

Some of the most common health issues and risks facing women today include:

Heart attack
Low energy
Hormone imbalance
Weight gain
Autoimmune disease
Thyroid problems
Cardiovascular disease
Hair loss
Skin issues

The Basic Facts

A shocking 75% of American women are on prescription drugs, compared to only 56% of men. Yet we’re not getting any healthier. And the quest for health is an expensive endeavor. In 1998, Americans spent $73 billion on prescription medications. By 2016 that number had risen to $329 billion for the year! Sadly, two-thirds of that outrageous spending was for women.

Prescriptions are not only expensive, but they come with a variety of side effects that can be more or just as dangerous as the condition they treat! It’s little wonder so many women are seeking natural solutions. Remedies from nature are often easier to access, and cheaper, and some of them can get to the root cause of the issue, rather than simply cover up the symptoms.

Most Common Health Problems

Cancer: Two of the most common cancers affecting women are breast and cervical cancers. Detecting both these cancers early is key to keeping women alive and healthy. The latest global figures show that around half a million women die from cervical cancer and half a million from breast cancer each year. The vast majority of these deaths occur in low and middle-income countries where screening, prevention, and treatment are almost non-existent, and where vaccination against the human papillomavirus needs to take hold.

Reproductive health: Sexual and reproductive health problems are responsible for one-third of health issues for women between the ages of 15 and 44 years. Unsafe sex is a major risk factor – particularly among women and girls in developing countries. This is why it is so important to get services to the 222 million women who aren’t getting the contraception services they need.

Maternal health: Many women are now benefitting from massive improvements in care during pregnancy and childbirth introduced in the last century. But those benefits do not extend everywhere and in 2013, almost 300 000 women died from complications in pregnancy and childbirth. Most of these deaths could have been prevented, had access to family planning and to some quite basic services been in place.

HIV: Three decades into the AIDS epidemic, it is young women who bear the brunt of new HIV infections. Too many young women still struggle to protect themselves against sexual transmission of HIV and to get the treatment they require. This also leaves them particularly vulnerable to tuberculosis – one of the leading causes of death in low-income countries for women 20–59 years.

Sexually transmitted infections: I’ve already mentioned the importance of protecting against HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (the world’s most common STI). But it is also vital to do a better job of preventing and treating diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. Untreated syphilis is responsible for more than 200,000 stillbirths and early fetal deaths every year and for the deaths of over 90,000 newborns.

Violence against women: Women can be subject to a range of different forms of violence, but physical and sexual violence – either by a partner or someone else – is particularly invidious. Today, one in three women under 50 has experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner, or non-partner sexual violence – violence that affects their physical and mental health in the short and long term. It’s important for health workers to be alert to violence so they can help prevent it, as well as provide support to people who experience it.

Mental health: Evidence suggests that women are more prone than men to experience anxiety, depression, and somatic complaints – physical symptoms that cannot be explained medically. Depression is the most common mental health problem for women and suicide is a leading cause of death for women under 60. Helping sensitize women to mental health issues, and giving them the confidence to seek assistance, is vital.

Noncommunicable diseases: In 2012, some 4.7 million women died from noncommunicable diseases before they reached the age of 70 —most of them in low- and middle-income countries. They die as a result of road traffic accidents, harmful use of tobacco, abuse of alcohol, drugs, and substances, and obesity — more than 50% of women are overweight in Europe and the Americas. Helping girls and women adopt healthy lifestyles early on is key to a long and healthy life.

Being young: Adolescent girls face a number of sexual and reproductive health challenges: STIs, HIV, and pregnancy. About 13 million adolescent girls (under 20) give birth every year. Complications from those pregnancies and childbirth are a leading cause of death for those young mothers. Many suffer the consequences of unsafe abortion.

Getting older: Having often worked in the home, older women may have fewer pensions and benefits, and less access to health care and social services than their male counterparts. Combine the greater risk of poverty with other conditions of old age, like dementia, and older women also have a higher risk of abuse and generally, poor health.

Addressing Women and Health Problems


When you consider the national statistics on heart disease, you begin to understand why this is the
most urgent health concern for women. According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for 1 in 5 women in the United States. However, only 56% of women recognize this danger. So what is heart disease, exactly? The term ‘heart disease’ actually refers to several different heart conditions.

These include heart attack, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, as well as cardiovascular disease, which refers to conditions with blocked or narrowed blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Things that affect your heart’s valves, muscles, or rhythm are considered heart disease.
High blood pressure (hypertension) does not necessarily mean you have heart disease; however, it
definitely increases the risk.

Factors that affect and increase the dangers of hypertension and/or heart disease include:

Unbalanced gut (microbiome)
Overweight and obesity
High sodium diet
High cholesterol
Chronic stress
Lack of exercise
Family history

The most surprising item on this list is probably gut health. A recent study highlighted a connection between poor gut health and increased incidence of arterial hardening, a well-known risk factor for heart disease. In contrast, researchers saw a decreased incidence of arterial stiffness in those with a more diverse (healthier) microbiome.

According to Dr. JoAnn Manson, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, “There’s a complex interplay between the microbes in our intestines and most of the systems in our bodies, including the vascular, nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. All of these relationships are highly relevant to cardiovascular health.”

Dr. Manson and colleagues published a study in 2017 where they saw a strong connection between blood levels of a certain substance called trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a byproduct of eating red meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. What happens is certain gut bacteria feed on a nutrient in these foods called choline. This creates a substance called trimethylamine (TMA), which your liver then converts into TMAO.

TMAO has been strongly connected to the development of artery-clogging plaques, heart attacks, and strokes. Dr. Manson’s study found that those with high TMAO had a 62% higher risk of “serious” cardiovascular events than people with low levels. Significantly, this risk was determined to NOT be connected to other risk factors like obesity, diabetes, and kidney function.

In other words, even if you are not obese, and do not have diabetes or kidney problems, having a high level of TMAO as a result of an abundance of certain gut choline-eating bacteria and eating high-choline foods such as red meat, fish, poultry, and eggs puts you at a 62% higher risk of heart disease and problems.

What all of this and other growing research seems to indicate is that ensuring your gut has a wide diversity of organisms and that your digestive system is functioning optimally may be a foundational way to decrease the risk of heart disease and ensure a healthier heart.


Conditions science connects to excess weight include:

High blood pressure
Heart disease
Heart failure
Type 2 diabetes
Fatty liver disease
Kidney disease
Sleep apnea

Pregnancy problems (high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cesarean delivery) According to some sources, each pound of excess weight increases the risk of disease. When you get up into higher numbers of excess weight, the data gets a little scary.

For example, some experts calculate that thirty pounds of extra weight may increase the risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes by 40, 75, and 100% respectively, with the risk for breast cancer risk jumping to 110%.

With these same metrics, some estimate that 55 pounds of excess weight would make the risk of heart disease jump to 80%, with the risk for both breast cancer and diabetes tripling to over 300% each. One Swedish study found that people roughly 30 pounds overweight with high cholesterol and high blood pressure had a terrifying 500% increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Many will tell you that weight gain is simply a matter of calories versus energy expended (movement/exercise). However, if you’ve got excess weight, you probably know that it’s often not that simple!

Factors that can affect your weight include:

Unbalanced microbiome (gut)
Yeast overgrowth
Food allergies or intolerances
Autoimmune disease
Insulin resistance
Diet insufficient in essential nutrients
Malabsorption of nutrients
Ineffective or incomplete elimination

To discover what is causing your weight gain, or your challenges in releasing your extra weight, all of the above should be considered. However, the foundation of health starts with nutrition. Your body must be able to efficiently and completely remove toxins and waste from your body, otherwise, more toxins are created.

Assisting your body in proper elimination means giving it a fighting chance by including several antioxidants in your diet and ensuring your lymphatic system, kidneys, and liver are functioning well—flushing out toxins and waste. In addition, your body’s waste disposal system (gut and colon) must be running well, without toxic build-up, constipation, or inflammation that can create further toxicity. Also, if you’re not expelling waste properly, your body can’t absorb nutrients effectively, undermining a healthy diet or the benefits of nutritional supplements.


Anxiety often coincides with other health conditions such as:

Eating disorders
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Sleep disorders
Substance abuse
Adult ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder)
BDD (body dysmorphic disorder)
Chronic pain


Women mental health problems

Many people with anxiety disorders also experience depression. Of course, depression can be independent of anxiety.
There are different types of depression, but nearly all types of depression affect more women than men. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that twice as many women as men are likely to have a depressive episode.

Some basic stats on depression:

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is categorized as a collection of serious depressive symptoms that last for a period of two weeks or more. It affects about 7% of the population per year, the majority of them women. The average age for this condition to develop is 32.5 years.

Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) is considered a ‘low-level depression’, that is not as severe as MDD but may last longer. In general, a diagnosis means depressive symptoms have been present for two or more years. It affects around 1.9% of women, compared to 1% of men.

Seasonal depression, also known as a seasonal affective disorder, includes a time of major depression, with mood influenced by the seasons. Four out of five people with this disorder are women.

Postnatal (postpartum) depression is different from the “baby blues”. The “baby blues affects up to 80% of new mothers and usually lasts about 2 weeks as the body’s hormones rebalance, and the mother recovers from labor. These feelings of sadness, worry, and fatigue go away on their own. Postnatal depression presents with more serious symptoms, lasts longer, and may require treatment.

According to the NIMH (the National Institute for Mental Health), with “postpartum depression, feelings of sadness and anxiety can be extreme and might interfere with a woman’s ability to care for herself or her family.”


Stress, which may or may not be correlated to anxiety and depression, is also a common health concern for women. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), chronic stress is on the rise in the US, as are the physical symptoms or effects of stress. In fact, according to an annual poll, Americans are the most stressed-out people on the planet!

Just this year, the New York Times reported that out of over 150,000 people polled worldwide, Americans reported the most stress, with 55% saying they felt stress for most of the day. Globally, that statistic was just 35%. Similarly, 45% of Americans polled said they had felt significant worry the previous day. That’s a lot of people anxious, stressed, and depressed! That makes the odds that you are included in those numbers quite high.

The problem with that is the toll each of these three conditions can take on the body. Likewise, these conditions can overlap. Though research is showing that men and women respond to stress differently, it is widely accepted that chronic stress is extremely harmful to your health and well-being.

Stress can lead to:

Menstrual problems
Hair loss
Back pain
Digestive issues: upset stomach, cramps, bloating, heartburn, IBS
Weight loss or gain

Skin problems:

Breakouts, hives, rashes
Sleep problems
Lack of focus
High blood pressure and heart trouble
Weakened immune system
Inflammation – considered the root cause of many diseases, including autoimmune disorders and cancer


Some of the main lifestyle changes you can make to lower stress levels include:

Participate in cortisol-lowering activities like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga.

Makes choices that:

• Allow you more time to sleep
• Create a better sleep
• Allow you more downtime to relax and have fun
• Lower pressure on you: lowering your budget
• Ensure you eat regular balanced meals
• Get enough healthy exercise or fun physical activities

Laugh more — laughter is incredibly healing and releases good hormones that can help lower stress
Get more hugs! That’s right, studies show that more frequent hugs from a partner or loved one increase calming oxytocin levels in women, and even lower cortisol and blood pressure.

Another thing you can do to help with stress is to consume high-quality supplements that are proven to lower cortisol, like fish oil (omega-3), ashwagandha, and other adaptogens.


Women are doing more than ever. Working, raising kids. Starting and running companies. Many women struggle with this issue. Stimulants like caffeine just burn out your precious adrenal system. But not having enough energy to get through a day can simply become intolerable.

Besides this, low energy can be a sign of deeper health issues, and should never be dismissed as ‘just part of life’ for too long. And yet, as I discovered myself, many Western doctors don’t take low energy very seriously as a symptom. So what can you do?

The first thing is to look at the possible causes of your low energy. There are several basic factors that can contribute to this. Here are some places to begin, when seeking the root cause of your low energy.


Sleep is a basic physiological requirement for all humans. Lack of sleep can lead to a great many health problems, including low energy.

Ask yourself:

Are you sleeping enough? Is your sleep interrupted by something or someone? Could you have sleep apnea? Whatever it takes to make sure you are getting sufficient, uninterrupted, and fully restful sleep—able to go through all the sleep cycles—you must do. This should not include sleeping pills. This could include things to lower your cortisol (and overall stress), like meditation, hot baths, exercise, supplements, etc.


Parasites are designed to live undetected. Their survival depends on you not knowing they are there. That is why you can live for many years—just as I did!—with parasites, and have no real clue. Even testing for parasites (if you can even convince your doctor to do this), is not reliable. Yet, you could have more than one common parasite living inside you, literally sucking the life out of you. They also can emit low-level amounts of toxins as part of their life cycle, increasing the tax on your body.


Your gas engine cannot run on diesel fuel. That is a fact. How can we expect our body to run well if we are not giving it the best, or even correct fuel?

By now you are probably aware that our soil is not providing the same level of vitamins and minerals (nutrients) in our fresh produce that our grandparents grew up with. That is an unfortunate fact of the times we live in. Likewise, the quality of seeds and breeds of fresh foods is somewhat skewed. They have been modified in a variety of ways, mainly to ensure they ripen quickly and are less prone to attack by disease or insects.

Many women don’t realize that if their gut health, the health of their liver, kidneys, or lymphatic system is compromised, they may not be absorbing much nutrition at all. So you could be eating all the right things, but if your gut (microbiome) is out of balance, you may not be absorbing nutrients well. Likewise, if your liver, kidneys, and lymphatics are struggling to remove toxins and waste from your body, you may have malabsorption.

Many women don’t realize that if their gut health, the health of their liver, kidneys, or lymphatic system is compromised, they may not be absorbing much nutrition at all. So you could be eating all the right things, but if your gut (microbiome) is out of balance, you may not be absorbing nutrients well. Likewise, if your liver, kidneys, and lymphatics are struggling to remove toxins and waste from your body, you may have malabsorption.


Here is a list of symptoms that may indicate hormone imbalance.

Weight gain or weight loss
Excessive sweating
Difficulty sleeping
Sensitivity to cold and heat
Dry skin or skin rashes
Changes in blood pressure or heart rate
Brittle or weak bones
Elevated or low blood sugar
Irritability and anxiety
Changes in bathroom behavior (frequency, urgency)
Changes in appetite
Lower sex drive
Thinning, brittle hair
Puffy face

Blurred vision

Breast tenderness
Deepening of the voice (females)
Heavy, irregular, or painful periods
Osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones)
Hot flashes and night sweats
Vaginal dryness
Acne (during or just before menstruation)
Fibroids, or uterine bleeding not associated with menstruation
Increased hair growth on the face, neck, chest, or back
Thinning hair or hair loss
Skin tags

As one doctor explains it, “Hormones act like traffic signs and signals by telling your body what to do and when, and making sure its machinery runs smoothly and maintains homeostasis or balance.”


Your body is a complex organism. It contains a myriad of systems and processes that work in harmony to create homeostasis—balance. When one or more of these systems get out of balance, health challenges begin. Symptoms commence, and disease can begin.

Due to this complexity, there is often overlap when it comes to the cause and the resolution of health issues. For example, a simple headache could be the result of many different factors. It could stem from what your hormones are doing, needing more water, or even a reaction to something you ate.

The same applies in reverse when it comes to natural solutions for the common health issues we’ve explored so far—There may be one natural substance or remedy that can affect multiple systems in the body, and help you achieve homeostasis and thus better health.

Water is a good example of this. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration which can put a burden on your kidneys, or give you a headache. It can also cause constipation. Or even fatigue.

Likewise, decreasing your stress and cortisol levels will heal numerous health issues and systems in your body. As will increase your absorption of essential nutrients, decrease inflammation, and ensure your body is able to effectively detoxify. For this reason, we’re going to list out the natural remedies separately, here. Keep in mind, though, that just like your body works together in harmony with all its systems and processes, many of these natural substances can and will work together to help you achieve better health, too.

Below are nine of the top herbs, minerals, and substances that can assist you in your quest for health.

You should always consult a trusted health professional before changing, decreasing, or adding to your medications and healing protocols.


Ashwagandha is a staple in ancient Ayurvedic practice. It’s known for improving sleep, boosting concentration, memory, and cognitive function; relieving both stress and anxiety, increasing energy levels, and improving concentration.

Ashwagandha has also been found to have positive influences on the endocrine and central nervous systems.

Other health benefits of ashwagandha that research has confirmed include:

Lowers blood sugar levels
Reduces cortisol levels
Helps with severe depression
Supports fertility
Increases antioxidants
Increases muscle mass and strength
Decreases inflammation
Helps fight infection
Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Promotes antioxidant activity and reduces free radical damage
Reduces oxidative stress
Helps induce programmed death of cancer cells


People with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and Type 1 diabetes should be cautious with ashwagandha. Consult your healthcare professional. Additionally, caution is needed if you are taking medication for thyroid disease, as ashwagandha may increase thyroid hormone levels in some people—A case where the natural healing that occurs lowers the need for thyroid supplementation, potentially causing an overabundance of thyroid hormones. A natural healthcare practitioner should be able to guide you.


Berberine is a natural chemical found in that is found in some 450 plants, including goldenseal, European barberry, and tree turmeric. This plant extract has been a staple in Chinese and other traditional medical practices. In recent decades berberine has been studied for its many health benefits.

These include:

Benefitting heart and cardiovascular health and function
Lowering blood pressure (decreasing hypertension)
Balancing blood sugar
Curbing insulin resistance
Regulating metabolism
Supporting antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
Improving bone health
Helping rebalance gut flora
Promoting anti-cancer properties
Reducing fat build-up in the liver

When compared to lifestyle changes alone, berberine was found to be as effective as common medications in lowering blood sugar levels, and lipid levels, and decreasing hypertension. The upsides were decreased cost (the herb is cheaper than common medicines) and the absence of serious side effects.

A 2008 study demonstrated that berberine combined with cinnamon extract had better “anti-diabetic” effects than leading prescription medication for people with elevated blood sugar, or Type 2 diabetes.


Berberine can decrease the speed the liver breaks down some medications. You should also take precautions if you are taking medications to lower your cholesterol or blood pressure.

Signs that you might benefit from taking digestive enzymes include the following symptoms:

Food cravings
Thyroid problems
Hormone imbalances
Severe PMS
Acid reflux, heartburn, GERD
Losing hair
Brain fog
Joint pain and arthritis
Dull or dry skin
Irritability and mood swings
Migraines and headaches


This plant is also known as the “shy plant” and has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners for thousands of years. It’s been used to treat a wide variety of conditions, and research has shown that it has many medicinal properties.

This plant will actually paralyze parasites, so your body can purge them. In fact, two separate studies concluded that Mimosa pudica is as effective as the leading anti-parasite medication. Mimosa pudica acts as a powerful internal “scrubber”. It will work its way through the intestinal walls, pulling out parasites, toxins, heavy metals, biofilms, and other unwanted elements to provide immune and digestive support.

Among these, Mimosa pudica holds the following benefits:

Antipyretic (lowers fever)
Pain relief
Lowers blood sugar
Lowers blood pressure
Helps purify blood
Helps menstrual cramps
Supports uterine health
Supports depression
Helps hemorrhoids
Treats eczema and psoriasis (topically)
Acts as a diuretic
Helps ulcers
Promotes liver healing
Assists with detox
Promotes gut (microbiome) health
Helps sciatic nerve regeneration


Wormwood is actually a cousin of the Daisy family. As a known, natural antiparasitic herb it’s used to help eliminate intestinal worms, especially pinworms, and roundworms. Wormwood is also used to treat anorexia, Crohn’s disease, SIBO, insomnia, anemia, lack of appetite, flatulence, stomach ache, and indigestion. It’s also antibacterial and antimicrobial, proving effective to fight Candida overgrowths.


Omega-3 fatty acids—especially DHA and EPA—are essential to health, healing, and longevity. It’s something your body needs to function at the basic level and must be consumed because your body cannot manufacture it. Sadly, many people are deficient in this essential nutrient.

Fish oil is an excellent source of DHA and EPA. Science has studied and shown that omega-3 helps:

Decrease inflammation
Support heart health and function
Support cardiovascular health and function
Protect the heart
Protect your cardiovascular system
Support brain function and longevity
Support erectile dysfunction
Lower Depression, Anxiety & Stress
Lower cortisol
Support Mental illness
Improve metabolism
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Prevent and support Alzheimer’s
Prevent and support dementia
Lower oxidative stress
Support healthy immunity
Balance blood sugar
Prevent tumor proliferation
Prevent Cancer
Support hormone balance

Note: During pregnancy and after childbirth women should be especially aware of the need to consume enough omega-3.


Hopefully, you are already aware of the importance that probiotics and prebiotics play in your quest to heal your gut (microbiome). In addition, these building blocks for a balanced gut and diversity in gut flora can help naturally support you in healing autoimmune disease, inflammation, depression, anxiety, hormone balance, and more.

Your gut has been found to directly influence anxiety levels. Both probiotics and prebiotics help reduce cortisol. Researchers have observed that Alzheimer’s patients frequently demonstrate unhealthy microbiota patterns. As long as 100 years ago, doctors believed an unhealthy gut led to chronic infection, stress, and inflammation.

The Arthritis Foundation lists probiotics as “crucial” to both health and supporting life with arthritis. We really could go on for several pages about both probiotics and prebiotics.

Prebiotics are much more stable. They easily survive the long journey from your mouth to your intestines. Probiotics are more of a challenge in this way, so finding a formula that has a high number of bacteria (often called CFUs, for Colony colony-forming units) and that offers some kind of capsule protection is ideal.

The number of CFUs will ensure you get the most ‘soldiers in the field’ as it were, and a capsule with protective shielding allows it to travel to your gut and ensure they arrive ready to make a home in your microbiome. Get your microbiota in balance, keep them happy and healthy with continued supplementation and a top-notch diet, and you can witness the antianxiety, antistress, autoimmune, and inflammation support and more yourself.


Fulvic and humic acids are electrolytes created by microorganisms in the soil or aquatic environments that enable nutrients and minerals to be assimilated by plants. They are water-soluble, and function in all pH conditions, namely: acidic, neutral, and alkaline.

As electrolytes, fulvic has the ability to balance and energize biological matter. Studies have demonstrated that electrolytes, as conductors of electricity, have the power to restore life. In contrast, as we grow older, our own biological electric potential decreases. Some experts believe that by harnessing the power of fulvic, we restore balance
to cell life and renew the electrical potential, which in turn prolongs the life of the cells and the organisms they reside in.

As we’ve discussed previously, optimal health comes from balance, and absorption is the key. You can eat the most nutritious diet in the world but unless your cells can use the nutrients, it is somewhat self-defeating. Fulvic assists the body in absorbing nutrients into the cells, even determining which minerals to assimilate, and which not, for optimum cellular balance. Several degenerative diseases have been paired with silica deficiency.

Fulvic acid has the ability to easily dissolve silica, being an excellent catalyst for cells to absorb this nutrient. In some ways, fulvic is a form of probiotic and prebiotic in one, in that they promote a healthy gut balance. They do this in several ways.
Fulvic are powerful antioxidants that rid your body of oxidative stress that comes from free radicals

1. Can Relieve Menstrual Cramps

The researchers surveyed 192 women, of whom 85 percent said they used cannabis, which effectively reduced menstrual pain. The members revealed that they used marijuana in the form of edibles and by smoking. Women who smoked cannabis also found changes in their progesterone and testosterone levels. This helped in regulating their periods and diminished hormonal effects during menstruation.

2. Cures Skin Issues

Lifestyle and environmental factors affect women’s skin differently. Their hormones and reproductive systems are partly to blame for various skin conditions like acne and pigmentation. Acne occurs due to the excessive production of oil from the sebaceous glands. It attracts germs and dirt into the skin’s pores, which leads to acne.

Cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties that can help heal acne. Women with dry and sensitive skin can use cannabis for their healing properties. They can get relief from skin problems like eczema.

Cannabidiol (CBD), a component derived from the cannabis plant, is also known for its beauty remedies. It has antioxidant properties that help slow down the aging process. It can also protect the skin from external factors like pollution and the sun’s harmful effects.

Can Aid in Mental Illness

Mental health disorders affect both men and women, but they’re more severe in women. Various factors like career, family responsibility, and abuse are significant causes of mental issues in women. The most common mental illness in women is depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, often challenging to diagnose.

According to an article, cannabis has antidepressant traits that help decrease anxiety and depression in women. The depletion of serotonin in the brain leads to depression. However, taking cannabis in low doses helps release serotonin, which causes anti-depressant effects. This can help in alleviating stress and anxiety, as well as assisting in doing day-to-day activities.

Many of the above health challenges face both men and women but in different ways. There are certain challenges that women have to deal with but it is good to know they are being recognized by the World Health Organization.

Thank you for reading,


Comments are welcome.

2 thoughts on “Women and Health Problems”

  1. This is one of the most comprehensive, non-medical articles I have ever read on women’s health concerns.  I began to read the article for some information to pass on to my wife who has a chronic condition which has been causing secondary difficulties related to stress and lack of sleep.  I am going to refer her to this article because I can’t possibly summarize it.  She has recently begun to use CBD oil for some symptoms and is experience periodic relief.  This is a very informative article.

    • Hi Anastazja,

      Thank you for your comments. I am sorry to hear about your wife. There are several articles on my site related to insomnia, stress and various other symptoms. Sleep is very essential along with diet and exercise. I prefer the natural remedies, but the alternatives are there. CBD oil has proven to be helpful for many health problems. I wish her good health, and I hope my site will be able to help her further.

      Best wishes,



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