Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms Treatment

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

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Adrenal fatigue isn’t recognized as an actual disease that’s recognized by doctors. However, there are several people who feel tired and can not understand why. Stress does have an impact on our overall health. When you are stressed your adrenal glands start to produce more cortisol and other hormones. This should give a person more energy but there are several people who may feel tired and not understand why.

Adrenal fatigue symptoms list

The term “adrenal fatigue” was coined in 1998 by Wilson, Ph.D., a naturopath, and expert in medicine. He describes it as a “group of related signs and symptoms that results when the adrenal glands function below the required level.” He says it’s usually related to intense stress and sometimes follows chronic infections like bronchitis, flu, or pneumonia.

Wilson says people with it are getting to not have any physical signs of illness but still may feel tired, “gray,” and have fatigue that doesn’t recover with sleep. They also crave salty snacks. Your body’s system responds by revving up when you’re under stress. Your adrenal glands, which are small organs above your kidneys, respond to stress by releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are part of your “fight or flight” response. They increase your vital signs and heart rate.

According to the idea, if you’ve got long-term stress (like the death of a loved one or a significant illness), your adrenal glands blow out from the prolonged production of cortisol. So adrenal fatigue sets in. There’s no approved test for adrenal fatigue. Blood tests can’t detect a little drop in adrenal production.

So what is this adrenal about?

Adrenal glands also referred to as suprarenal glands, are small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to worry, and other essential functions. Your adrenal glands produce a spread of hormones that are essential to life. The medical term “adrenal insufficiency” refers to the inadequate production of 1 or more of those hormones as a result of an underlying disease or surgery.

Signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency may include:

Body aches
Unexplained weight loss
Low blood pressure
Loss of body hair
Skin discoloration

We need to look into metabolism.

Metabolism may be a term that does not describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and therefore the organism.

Metabolism can be conveniently divided into two categories:

Catabolism – the breakdown of molecules to get energy
Anabolism – the synthesis of all compounds needed by the cells

Metabolism is closely linked to nutrition and therefore the availability of nutrients. Bioenergetics may be a term that describes the biochemical or metabolic pathways by which the cell ultimately obtains energy. Energy formation is one of the vital components of metabolism.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is an increasingly common yet sometimes controversial diagnosis used to indicate depletion of the adrenal glands. Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenals for use in the regulation of blood pressure. In response to stress, the adrenals release greater amounts of cortisol. Adrenal fatigue is thought to occur when the adrenals have become overtaxed by excess cortisol release and can no longer produce levels of cortisol necessary for optimal body function.

Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are thought to include:

  • fatigue, particularly upon waking, with intermittent “crashes” throughout the day
  • Poor stress response and mood regulation
  • cognitive issues or “brain fog”
  • increased energy levels in the evenings
  • cravings for salty and sweet foods
  • Overuse of caffeine and other stimulants
  • a compromised immune system
    • nervousness
    • chronic fatigue
    • digestive issues
    • body aches
    • lightheadedness
    • low blood pressure
    • weight loss
    • hair loss


Any excess stress causes the adrenals to extend cortisol production. Adrenal fatigue is assumed to occur when the adrenals have been overworked to a degree that they will not secrete levels of cortisol that are adequate for optimal function. Potential stressors include environmental and dietary influences, as well as anxiety and emotional stresses. Experiences like grief, trauma, and autoimmune conditions are considered to possess a possible chronic negative impact on adrenal function. Overuse of antibiotics is also believed to possibly have detrimental effects on cortisol production.


Some of the recent scientific debate about adrenal fatigue has got to do with diagnostic methods. Previously, adrenal health was often assessed using blood tests designed for Addison’s Disease and Cushing’s Syndrome—tests which some practitioners say are insufficient for measuring the complex cycles of cortisol levels. Doctors who test specifically for adrenal fatigue most frequently do so using urine or saliva tests for live cortisol levels. “You even have to find out about the strain in people’s lives,” states Dr. Wilson. “You can have a patient who has normal cortisol levels but who’s exhausted and is dealing with fourteen-hour days.

They’re worried about their mortgage, so there’s clearly a drag where—they need more cortisol than normal, so there’s a potential for them to crash.” Because cortisol levels vary throughout the day, doctors treating adrenal fatigue suggest that it’s important to administer comprehensive tests and understand a patient’s daily energy patterns in order to find out why there is a raised assessment of the way cortisol production cycles over the course of each day.


Presently, there’s no pharmaceutical treatment for adrenal fatigue, which some naturopaths and doctors of osteopathy consider to be an element in traditional medicine’s view of the condition. Suggested natural remedies include lifestyle changes like a low-sugar/low-caffeine diet, avoidance of food, a healthy sleep schedule, and nutritional supplementation.

Supplements thought to assist in easing adrenal fatigue include:

Vitamin C
B vitamins
Coenzyme Q10
Licorice Root

Other healthy routines like adequate daily hydration, managing blood sugar through a balanced eating schedule, and meditation also are believed to possess positive effects on restoring the adrenal glands to
optimal function. Doctors recommend balancing protein, healthy fats, and high-quality, nutrient-dense carbohydrates. Increase your vegetable intake to urge the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Also, include foods high in vitamin C, B vitamins (especially B-5 and B-6), and magnesium to assist in supporting healthy adrenal glands.

What to do if you’re feeling you are affected by adrenal fatigue. Firstly you would like to talk to your doctor who will presumably perform a biopsy.

Diet and Adrenal Fatigue

If you opt to undertake an adrenal-friendly diet, doctors recommend limiting foods and drinks high in refined and processed sugar and unhealthy fats, while also managing blood glucose.

Some foods to avoid include:

white sugar
white flour
fried food
processed food
fast food
artificial sweeteners

Timing your meals is additionally important. It helps with regulating blood glucose and supporting the adrenal glands. It helps to eat breakfast and eat regularly throughout the day. Skipping breakfast and lunch forces your body to burn stored nutrients and reduces your energy levels.
If you eat regular, balanced meals, and healthy snacks, you’ll maintain your energy and cortisol levels all day.

Foods to eat:

A well-balanced diet is the best, thanks to keeping your body healthy and managing your sugar levels. Doctors recommend balancing protein, healthy fats, and high-quality, nutrient-dense carbohydrates.
Increase your vegetable intake to urge the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Also, include foods high in vitamin C, B vitamins (especially B-5 and B-6), and magnesium to assist in supporting healthy adrenal glands.

Some foods to eat in the adrenal fatigue diet include:

lean meats
leafy greens and colorful vegetables
whole grains
low-sugar fruits
sea salt carefully
healthy fats like vegetable oilcopra oil, and grapeseed oil

It’s also important to stay hydrated. Dehydration can influence your stress levels and force your adrenal glands to supply cortisol.

Herbal Remedies

Known for its grounding and restorative properties, Ashwagandha supports the nervous and endocrine systems and promotes a natural sleep cycle. As a nourishing tonic, Ashwagandha can help the body adapt to stressful conditions.
Adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha help nourish and restore optimal health by supporting normal mood, energy levels, and overall immune function to assist you in staying centered and thriving in your busy life.

Rhodiola Rosea
As an adrenal adaptogen, Siberian Rhodiola Rosea supports the functioning of the adrenal glands and encourages a healthy response to worry. Rhodiola Rosea may be a great adaptogenic herb for adrenal fatigue. If used regularly, Rhodiola Rosea can support the body’s natural resistance.

Holy basil
Holy Basil, also referred to as Tulsi, or the incomparable one translates to balance, which is symbolic of its commonest modern use. Holy Basil helps you answer to stress in a healthy way while nourishing the mind and elevating the spirit. As an adaptogenic herb, Holy Basil also supports adrenal health and a state of equilibrium within the body.

Adaptogen: a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes.

Is used to support mental alertness, performance, and concentration, reduce stress, and help maintain healthy energy and stamina. In traditional Chinese medicine, Eleuthero root is employed to invigorate
energy, strengthen and nourish the body, and balance vital energy.

Regarded as a harmonizing tonic and a well-liked adaptogenic herb, Schisandra berries contain a mix of 5 distinct flavor properties, which correspond to the five phases or Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour (Wood), Bitter (Fire), Sweet (Earth), Acrid (Metal), and Salty (Water).
Schisandra berries can enhance the body’s natural resistance and adaptation to stressful influences, support mental endurance, and help maintain overall metabolic efficiency.

Any kind of excess stress causes the adrenals to increase cortisol production. Adrenal fatigue is thought to occur when the adrenals have been overworked to a degree that they can no longer secrete levels of
cortisol that is adequate for optimal function.

Potential stressors include environmental and dietary influences, as well as anxiety and emotional stresses. Experiences such as grief, trauma, and autoimmune conditions are considered to have a possible chronic negative impact on adrenal function. Overuse of antibiotics is also believed to possibly have detrimental effects on cortisol production.

Diffuse essential oils throughout the day to help you feel more relaxed.

If you can’t diffuse the oils, put a drop or two on the bottoms of your feet or on the spine twice a day to help lower stress levels. In fact, this study found that inhaling lavender essential oil can decrease cortisol levels. That’s good news for the adrenals!

Always talk to your doctor before using any herbal alternatives.

Thank you for reading


Comments are welcome

2 thoughts on “Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms Treatment”

  1. Thank you for your very informative article.  I now know where the word adrenaline comes from.  It is amazing that adrenal fatigue can lead to a lot of symptoms.  I note that you mentioned that there is no pharmaceutical treatment for this condition.  I guess it is good in the sense that we will be forced to resort to natural remedies once our body gives out the signal and we let our bodies heal, avoiding side effects that normally come with drugs.  Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi JRandZen,

      Thank you for your comments. I always prefer natural methods of treating most health symptoms. The key factor with adrenal fatigue is a nutritional diet. That includes what you drink also.

      Best wishes,



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