Mind Body Yoga

What is Mind Body Yoga all about?

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Definition of Yoga, (Asanas)

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India.

Yoga poses (also called asanas) are at the heart of the physical practice of yoga.

Different types of yoga:


Hatha Yoga makes the spine more flexible.

KUNDALINI YOGA: Kundalini yoga gives unique consideration to the role of the spine and the endocrine system.

MANTRA YOGA: Mantra yoga meditation involves chanting a word or phrase.

JNANA YOGA: Jnana-Yoga is the path of Self-realization.

Vinyasa Yoga:

Get your flow on in this dynamic practice that links movement and breath together in a dance-like way. Each pose and the pace can be quick, so be prepared for your heart rate to rise.

Ideal for: Weight loss.

This fairly fast-paced style, sometimes called power yoga, requires you to move continuously. The most well-known vinyasa sequence is the sun salutation, a flowing series of lunging, bending, and stretching asanas. Expect to do standing and seated poses that develop strength, flexibility, and balance. You’ll also spend some time on inversions, such as a shoulder stand or a headstand, in which the feet are raised above the head.

Intense exercisers might enjoy Vinyasa because of its faster pace. Runners and endurance athletes are also drawn to the Vinyasa class because of the continuous movement.

Iyengar can also be practiced at any age and is great for those with injuries (though you should consult with a doctor first)

Ideal for: Anyone with neck or back problems.

Here you’ll get nit-picky about precision and detail, as well as your body’s alignment in each pose. Props, from yoga blocks and blankets to straps or a rope wall, will become your new best friend, helping you to work within a range of motion that is safe and effective. Unlike in Vinyasa, each posture is held for a certain period.

Consisting of six series of specifically sequenced yoga poses, you’ll flow and breathe through each pose to build internal heat. The catch is that you’ll perform the same poses in the exact same order in each class. Ashtanga requires strength and endurance, so you’ll get the most out of it if you practice regularly.

If you’re a perfectionist, you’ll like Ashtanga’s routine and strict guidelines.

This physically and mentally challenging practice looks very different from your typical yoga. You’ll perform kriyas — repetitive physical exercises coupled with intense breath work — while also chanting, singing, and meditating. The goal? To break through your internal barriers, releasing the untapped energy residing within you and bringing you a higher level of self-awareness.

This form of yoga was developed to calm the mind and energize the body through movement, the chanting of mantras, and breathing. Usually 50 percent exercise, 20 percent breath work, 20 percent meditation, and 10 percent relaxation. The goal is to release the energy that kundalini devotees believe is stored at the base of the spine.

Good to know: Consider this style the most “out there.” If chanting is not for you, simply repeat the mantras in your head.

Best for: People looking for spiritual practice.

Those who are seeking something more than a workout may enjoy Kundalini due to its emphasis on the internal aspects of yoga, including breath work, meditation, and spiritual energy. This physically challenging style consists of an unvarying sequence of poses. “Typically, you execute 70 poses in one 90-minute to two-hour session. These will include 10 sun salutations, backbends, and inversions.

To calm and balance your body and mind, this is where you’ll find your zen. The opposite of a faster-moving practice like Ashtanga, Yin yoga poses are held for several minutes at a time. This meditative practice is designed to target your deeper connective tissues and fascia, restoring length and elasticity. You’ll use props so your body can release into the posture instead of actively flexing or engaging the muscles. Like meditation, its restorative powers might have you hooked.

Best for: People who need to stretch and unwind.

Yin yoga is not recommended for people who are super flexible, (you might overdo it in some poses) or anyone who has a connective tissue disorder.

Ideal for: Beginners.

Hatha refers to any practice that combines poses, or asanas, with breathing techniques, or pranayamas. The goal of a basic Hatha class is to develop flexibility and balance and to integrate breath into every movement, so it is generally relaxing and restorative.


Ideal for: Building flexibility.

Founder Bikram Choudhury popularized this style of “hot yoga” in the 1970s. To mimic the climate in Choudhury’s hometown in northern India. Usually done in rooms heated to sauna-like temperatures of 105 degrees Fahrenheit, with a 40 percent humidity level. “The heat loosens your muscles, increasing your ability to stretch.

It is recommended to avoid eating for at least two hours, you may want to have plenty of water on hand.

Please Always Consult Your Doctor First Before Performing Any of These Exercises

Ashtanga Yoga

Over 2,600 Images and Information:

Yoga Apparel

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6 thoughts on “Mind Body Yoga”

  1. The first time I did Hot Yoga, I almost passed out.   It is intense!   I feel like I’m in pretty good shape, but yoga for a newbie can be challenging.   Thanks for defining all the different versions and how they differ.   Very informative.  

    What would you suggest for athletes looking to increase flexibility, strength and prevent injury?  

    • Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my post and offering me your feedback.

      So you started hot. Being an athlete I guess would be normal. To become an athlete, I am sure you started off at a slower pace than where you are at today. This time start off a bit cool, find a routine you are comfortable with and work your way up. I have mentioned just a small portion of the different yoga exercises. You increase your flexibility and you will be able to prevent injury a lot better. Yoga has become huge, and there are a lot of you tube videos that you may find interesting.

      All the best,


  2. Hey Michael,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as you’ve provided us with lots of useful information. First of all, I consider myself a fitness freak because I’m constantly involved in Swimming, Tennis, and hitting the Gym on a regular basis. However, I need to get into something like Yoga to develop some peacefulness within my body. I’m always doing vigorous sports, just need to start with Yoga to calm myself down. Would you recommend something for a beginner like me?

    Thank you very much for this wonderful post. Well Done Michael!

    • Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my post and offering me your feedback.

      Sounds like you are a very active person. I practice martial arts and do hit the gym. I have found out through time doing yoga has been the best routine for me. Getting flexible and being able to adapt to different positions has helped me a lot.

      The best is to find a routine you feel comfortable with, and work up from there. Keep up with the sports, adding yoga would be a great combination for you.  

      All the best,


  3. I love that you listed what each form of yoga for all those needs. I keep meaning to start yoga. I have back pain and severe anxiety so I’m always so tense, especially in my back and neck. But as a beginner, I don’t want anything too hard to do just yet. I know you mentioned one that’s good for the back, but would it be relaxing too? I’m so sorry, I keep getting the names mixed up. I love the idea of yin yoga, but not sure if it’ll help my back. Any suggestions? 

    • Hi, thank you for taking the time to look at my site and offer your feed back. I too suffer from back pain and I sure can relate to you. I do practice yoga mainly because of the flexibility it gives me. It does help with back pain problems. Please start off with what you find the best routine for you, a little bit at a time. There is a post on my page called, Inversion Therapy. If you get the time it may give you some ideas to reduce the pain. Keeping your spine straight is important.

      I will be adding another post on meditation. I do practice that also. At first it felt a bit silly but the benefits were definitely worth it. 

      Thank you,



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