What Causes Arthritis In Your Joints

Causes Of Arthritis In Your Joints

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What causes arthritis in your joints.

Genetic Predisposition:

Arthritis is known as a disease that may run in families. Handed down from one generation to another. Arthritis in most cases is a genetic disease if there are other members of your family who have suffered from, “Osteoarthritis”. From personal experience, I do believe this as most of my family members suffer from some form of arthritis.

Cartilage Weaknesses

Your cartilage is the graceful, rubbery tissue covering the ends of bones. The degeneration of cartilage can cause chronic inflammation within the joints, which can cause arthritis. Cartilage may be a sort of animal tissue found within the body. When an embryo is developing, cartilage is the precursor to the bone. Some cartilage remains and is dispersed throughout the body, especially to hide the joints. Cartilage also composes most of the outer ear.

Nutritional Factors

Some food items, especially meat and products derived from animals can cause an increase in the level of acid thus, increasing the risks of arthritis also as gout. If you smoke you are very likely to aggravate and worsen this condition. Another thing that can aggravate your arthritis causing further inflammation and pain is the excess consumption of alcohol.

Injuries and Overworking the Joints

Osteoarthritis is caused by the wear and tear and tear of the joint over time or due to overuse. Joint trauma which can be sustained during an accident or a sports injury may also contribute to arthritis. This happens especially if you do not give the joint enough time to heal itself.

Sedentary Behavior

Inactivity can cause a variety of health concerns, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and diabetes, but it can also lead to weight gain and weakened muscles and joints. With your body being weaker, you are more at risk for stiffness, fractures, and even breaks. In many cases, your joints begin to stiffen making it hard for you to move around.

Autoimmune Disorders

Rheumatoid arthritis starts when your immune system produces what are called antibodies which will attach to the sides of your joints. Your immune system then attacks your joints which in turn results in inflammation, swelling, and pain. If untreated, atrophic arthritis causes gradually causes permanent joint damage.


Thick, scaly patches of the skin may start to develop. This skin condition may cause arthritis and treating psoriasis is key to preventing arthritis.


Areas of the body include your joints, skin, and internal organs. It is a destructive condition that is often inherited genetically. It can also be caused by environmental factors and poor nutrition, much like the autoimmune response of arthritis.

The Main Types of Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common type. It normally develops when the body’s self­defense system becomes self-destructive, attacking the body rather than defending it. RA is an autoimmune disease that commonly affects the hands and feet, but it also can harm your organs.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis is called the degenerative type because it often comes with age and the wear and tear you experience in life. Its main targets are the hips, knees, and hands. Risk factors for developing this sort of arthritis are overusing joints, sedentary behavior, old injuries, and obesity.


Gout arthritis. Swollen foot

Gout is more common than AS (see below), and it normally affects one joint at a time, often starting within the big toe. It is caused by inflammation, crystallization of high levels of uric acid, or both. Unfortunately, it’s also extremely painful. Repeated flares are a sign that the condition isn’t simply temporary but, instead, has evolved into inflammatory gouty arthritis. Gout is one of the easiest to manage and can often be prevented. It’s best to make use of nutritional and lifestyle changes and leave medication as a last resort.

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)

Ankylosing spondylitis is a debilitating type of arthritis that affects the spine. It most commonly affects the lower spinal vertebrae that connect to the pelvic area. Spondylitis means inflammation, and ankylosing means fused joints. The tissues between your joints are affected, and therefore the bones fuse into an immovable joint. The bones involved are the vertebrae, and the tissues between them are known as discs.

Psoriatic Arthritis (PA)

It is a type of arthritis affecting some people with psoriasis or people who have had psoriasis in the past. Psoriatic arthritis, like psoriasis, is an autoimmune condition. That means both are caused by your immune system. When your immune system turns itself on automatically and starts attacking healthy cells and tissues rather than battling bacteria and viruses, the result is often the inflammation common in both conditions. In psoriasis, this inflammation happens within the skin, and in rheumatoid arthritis, this inflammation results in swollen and painful joints and tendons.

Prevention and Treatment of Arthritis.

The body is both its own worst enemy and best friend, and your desires and nutritional lifestyle are the fine lines between the two. Everything that goes into your stomach impacts your health, whether it promotes or diminishes it.

Avoid or Reduce


High Fructose Corn Syrup and Artificial Sweeteners

Processed Foods

Foods to Avoid

The list of foods you must avoid includes:

● Wild meat
● Duck
● Turkey
● Red meat
● Mince
● Deli meat
● Tuna
● Sardines
● Anchovies
● Mussels
● Herring
● Codfish
● Trout
● Haddock
● Scallops
● Animal liver or kidneys
● Prawns
● Clams
● Commercial fruit juices
● Carbonated drinks (sugar-free or not)
● Gravy/sauce/commercial condiments
● Yeast and its products like artisan bread (not including whole-grain or seeded
● Full-fat dairy, including cheese, milk, and cream
● Hydrogenated/trans/saturated fats

Try to leave these foods out of your diet. I do realize the list is long. Some of these foods can be taken on the occasional event, but not on a regular basis.

Alternative Arthritis Therapies Can Help to Manage It Better

Alternative treatment options have been available for years, but they’re becoming more popular with the science to support them. All arthritis types can be treated effectively with natural therapies. They can even lower uric acid levels in gout.

These alternative options can treat the effects of arthritis and the pain that accompanies it. Some methods can improve your pain management enough to allow you to quit taking those medications, which have associated undesired side effects.


Hydrotherapy arthritis patients in water

Hydrotherapy has often been called the water cure for many disorders ranging from depression, problems with the stomach, nerve issues, stress, and insomnia. It includes steam baths, saunas, contrast therapy, foot baths, and colon cleanses.


According to Harvard Medical School, stretching daily can ease the pain of arthritis and improve your hindered mobility. The less your joints move, the more immobile they become, and they won’t reach their full motion anymore.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy for arthritis. Person being massaged

Rheumatoid arthritis often leaves you with less mobility and daily functionality in your hands. It’s an inflammatory disorder stimulated by autoimmune dysfunction, and it’s also painful.


Another alternative option for rheumatoid arthritis is acupuncture, an ancient Chinese method where practitioners insert thin needles into the inflamed tissue between the bones to relieve pain.


Yoga releases bloodstream elements that promote better physical and mental health, and it can be used as another alternative treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and osteoarthritis. Stretching the muscles will increase mobility.

Tai Chi

Tai chi is a gentle form of martial arts that allows you to use low-impact movements to improve breathing and relaxation. It also works wonders for rheumatoid arthritis, increasing mobility and improving your pain management.

In Conclusion:

Arthritis is a debilitating condition if it’s allowed to progress without proper management, regardless of which type you have. There are days when you can’t be as active as you desire, and there are days when the stiffness is utterly painful.
Inflammation is a major concern for arthritis, and the immune system can react unfavorably to this condition. Learning how to manage this process with natural treatments is a worthy endeavor that could potentially avoid medication.

I personally suffer from arthritis and have written several articles on this nasty disease. Other alternatives to reducing inflammation and the pain of arthritis are certain herbal remedies. This is a subject I have covered on this website. I prefer the natural methods of treating certain diseases.

Please always consult with your doctor and seek the best way to treat your arthritis.

Thank you for reading


Comments are welcome

2 thoughts on “What Causes Arthritis In Your Joints”

  1. Hello there, Michael! Arthritis is definitely a very debilitating condition. I personally do not have arthritis but I have seen many who do. I’ve also had an old knee injury that left me with pain for about 10 months. It would heal for a bit but when I start doing any physical activity like jogging, my pain would come back for another 2-3 weeks. What helped me significantly was a supplement called microlactin combined with glucosamine/chondroitin. My pain went away completely after that. I’m not too sure how it will help with arthritis since my pain was more sports related. 

    I definitely agree with you that low impact physical activities on a regular basis will help strengthen the surrounding muscles around the joint and help with reducing pain (that’s also what helped me). I did not know about the different foods to be aware of. Thanks for this informative post!

    • Hi Mike,

      Thank you for your comments. I have heard a lot of good things about glucosamine/chondroitin for the relief of joint and arthritis pain. I think it is a good idea to let an injury fully heal before rushing things.

      All the best,



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