Vitamins and Your Health
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Hi everyone, I just wanted to cover certain aspects of going to a Pharmacy, paying the pharmaceutical companies the big dollars, or whether we should be focusing on what is referred to as, “God’s Pharmacy”.
However, we look at it as the prices have increased in buying from Big Pharma and healthy organic foods, vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs.
I will try to go from A to E in this first segment of vitamins and minerals.
What are Vitamins?
Vitamins are nutrients your body needs to function and fight off disease. Your body cannot produce vitamins itself, so you must get them through the food you eat or in some cases supplements. There are 13 vitamins that are essential to your body working well. Knowledge of the different types and understanding the purpose of these vitamins are important for good health.
The thirteen vitamins required by human metabolism are:
Vitamin A (as all-trans-retinol, all-trans-retinyl-esters, as well as all-trans-beta-carotene and other provitamins A carotenoids), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9 (folic acid or folate), vitamin B12 (cobalamins), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin D (calciferol), vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols), and vitamin K (quinones).
Vitamin A:
Healthy skin and vision
Bone growth
Cell formation and differentiation
Optimal immune function
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The RDA for vitamin A is set at 900 mcg (3000 IU) for retinol ( also known as Vitamin A₁) sources.
Some symptoms of low vitamin A status can include poor immune function, poor night vision, xerophthalmia, (a medical condition in which the eye fails to produce tears), and diarrhea. of Deficiency
Vitamin B (Thiamine)
Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin that appears naturally in various foods.
Additionally, many foods (such as cereals) are enriched with synthetic versions of the mineral.
Vitamin B1 plays an important role in the generation of energy from the food we eat.
Muscular contraction.
Nerve signaling – plays a key role in the nervous system.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
We do not need a significant amount of vitamin B1 and the RDA is set at 1.2 mg for adult males and 1.1 mg for females.
Signs of Deficiency:
Thiamine deficiency, otherwise known as beriberi, can cause a range of symptoms including aching legs, feelings of weakness, and shortness of breath.
Vitamin B2, otherwise known as riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin. Interestingly, one of the uses of riboflavin is as a natural food coloring to give food a yellow color.
Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin):
Like all B vitamins, riboflavin helps to convert food into energy.
Formation of new cells.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The RDA for vitamin B2 is 1.3 mg for adult men and 1.1 mg for women (4)
Signs of Deficiency
Vitamin B2 is in a wide range of foods, so deficiency is rare.
However, in the case of an actual deficiency, symptoms may include hair loss, itchy eyes and scalp, sore throat, and swollen lips.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a large role in energy metabolism.
Converts food into energy.
Essential for the digestive system.
Plays a part in the nervous system.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
16 mg a day is the RDA for adult males, and a slightly lower 14 mg for females.
Signs of Deficiency
Vitamin B3 deficiency may result in digestive upset, tiredness, and nausea. It May also contribute to depression
On the positive side, niacin deficiency is extremely rare in the developed world.
Vitamin B5:
It is water-soluble and it plays multiple roles in the human body.
Synthesizing co-enzyme. Vitamin A.
Metabolizing food into energy.
Cell formation.
Plays a role in making various hormones.
Contributes to the optimal functioning of the nervous system.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The RDA for pantothenic acid is 5 mg for adults of all ages.
However, this rises to 6 mg during pregnancy and 7 mg for breastfeeding mothers.
Signs of Deficiency:
Similar to other B vitamins, a deficiency is rare. Deficiency may include headaches, numbness, restlessness, and gastrointestinal issues.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
Vitamin B6 is an important water-soluble vitamin and it is involved in numeral processes in the body.
Brain development.
Cell formation.
Energy metabolism.
Hormone production.
Plays a role in the immune and nervous systems.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
Vitamin B6’s RDA stands at 1.3 mg for adults under the age of 50.
For older adults, the RDA rises to 1.7 mg in men and 1.5 mg in women
Signs of Deficiency:
Vitamin B6 deficiency is also rare. However, in the case that someone suffers from it, symptoms such as confusion, depression, and lower immune function may develop.
Formerly known as ‘vitamin H’, biotin is another water-soluble B vitamin, and it has numerous important functions.
Energy metabolism.
Cell signaling.
Gene regulation.
Necessary for the optimal functioning of the nervous system.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The data for an RDA is not sufficient, but the ‘adequate intake’ (AI) value for biotin is set at 30 mcg for adults. This rises to 35 mcg in breastfeeding women.
Signs of Deficiency:
Biotin deficiencies are extremely rare and almost unheard of in the developed world.
However, marginally low levels have been observed in alcoholics and breastfeeding women.
In the case of (extremely rare) severe deficiency, the symptoms are serious and can even include aciduria, seizures, depression, and hallucinations.
Vitamin B9 (Folate):
Folate (vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a critical role in pregnancy in preventing neural tube defects (NTDs).
Despite the ‘vitamin B9’ name, most people refer to it as folate.
Cell formation and division.
DNA production.
It helps to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Plays an important role in protein metabolism.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The RDA for average adults is 400 mcg, but this rises to 600 mcg and 500 mcg in pregnant and lactating women respectively.
Signs of Deficiency:
Deficiency in folate is uncommon, but folate requirements do increase during pregnancy.
The primary symptom of deficiency is called megaloblastic anemia, which can lead to fatigue, heart palpitations, and breathing troubles.
Some other common signs of folate deficiency include soreness and pigmentation changes in skin and fingernails.
Vitamin B12:
Regarded as one of the most important vitamins for human health.
It helps to produce DNA.
Keeps blood cells healthy.
Vital for the normal function of the human brain.
Plays an important role in the nervous system.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The RDA for vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg for adults, rising to 2.6 mcg and 2.8 mcg in pregnant and lactating women respectively.
Signs of Deficiency:
Vitamin B12 deficiency is common around the world, and the leading causes are an insufficient intake of animal foods and difficulty digesting the vitamin.
Personal Note:
I would definitely recommend a Vitamin B Supplement to your daily routine.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
Collagen formation.
Free radical scavenging.
Immune function.
Protein metabolism.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C is set at 90 mg for male adults and 75 mg for females.
However, smokers are advised to increase this amount to 125 mg (men) and 110 mg (women).
Signs of Deficiency:
Scurvy ( feeling tired, and sore arms and legs, decreased red blood cells, gum disease, changes to
hair, and bleeding from the skin may occur), is the primary symptom of deficiency. It is not pretty.
Warning images are disturbing. These are the worst-case scenarios and really not necessary to be seen!!!!
In the past, many sailors developed the disease, scurvy after subsisting on bread for long periods at sea.
Vitamin D:
Fat-soluble and it is one of the most important vitamins for our overall health.
Interestingly, it is not a “vitamin” in the ordinary sense of the word.
It is more of a hormone, and we can synthesize it from either food or the sun shining on our skin.
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol):
This occurs in animal foods, and we can also get it from the sun.
Bone growth and repair.
Cell growth.
Immune function.
Promotes calcium absorption.
Reduces inflammation.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
There is no RDA for vitamin D
Signs of Deficiency:
Vitamin D deficiency can be severe, and it can lead to weak bones, rickets, and potentially raise the risk of chronic diseases like cancer.
Vitamin E:
Immune function.
Prevents blood clots.
Widens blood vessels.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The recommended daily allowance for vitamin E is 15 mg for adults, and this amount rises to 19 mg for women who are breastfeeding.
Signs of Deficiency:
Vitamin E insufficiency is common, and many people do not get enough of this critical vitamin.
However, symptoms of deficiency are very rare and usually only present themselves when someone cannot digest fat properly (vitamin E is fat-soluble).
Deficiency signs can include nerve damage, loss of feeling, and muscular weakness.
More information and images at the site below
Deficiency may cause bleeding diathesis, an unusual susceptibility to bleeding.
There is a large list of minerals that we should be aware of as well. I will be continuing this series of supplements and also
cover the natural sources of these supplements. I call this source, “God’s Pharmacy”. All vitamins and minerals are based on everything that is naturally grown.
Vegetables, Fruit, Herbs and Spices, Eggs my gosh the list is endless. These, of course, provide you with no side effects and are the best.
Thank you for reading
Comments are welcome
Vitamins are integral part of our daily living and I’m very sure we cannot do without them they serve as a boost to serve our body system in various ways and the lack of deficiency suffered as a result of lack of one can really be disastrous to the functioning of the body system. You did a good job in extending my knowledge concerning the vitamins. Thanks so much for the post.
Hi RoDarrick,
We meet again. Thank your comments much appreciated.
I really do believe we need to supplement our bodies with rich nutrients. This can be achieved by buying vitamins and minerals. They also can be implemented into our bodies the natural way through proper diet exercise and sunshine.
Best wishes,
Thank you Michael. Aom foods are very rich in this vitamins and we hardly know about them. We get carried away by the sweet goods that are out there and we forget the natural foods that have proper vitamins and minerals that are sufficient for our body system. This are some of the important vitamins that our body needs and I have learnt new things today.
Hi Henderson,
Thank you for your comments. Much appreciated.
We can gain a lot of essential vitamins and minerals through the food we eat. The human body is not capable of producing these vitamins and minerals by itself. There fore we need to eat well or supplement our diets.
Best wishes,
Thanks for this informative article. I came across your website because I was doing research on essential vitamins for my kids and whether the multi-vitamins we give them cover everything they need. Now I also have something to reference when we speak to their doctor about this topic. Plus, I never knew the seriousness about Vitamin C deficiencies (and could have done without the photos, but I couldn’t help myself, LOL). Thanks again!
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your comments. Much appreciated.
There was a warning about some of those images, I know you just had to, 🙂 The human body is not capable of producing vitamins or minerals. I certainly would recommend a multi-vitamin not just for your kids but for their parents also.
All the best Chris,
This is some great information you have here about vitamins and I am happy to read that you do agree that we all need to get vitamins on a daily basis. I have been supplementing my diet with high quality vitamin supplements for about 30 years now. They have saved me a ton of money in that I haven’t had to take any kind of prescription medicine within those 30 years, even when I was being naturally healed of cancer.
I noticed that for every vitamin except vitamin D and D3 (which is the best kind) and for vitamin K, you did not offer the RDA for either of these. Personally I take more than the RDA because my doctor says that the RDAs are outdated and should be looked at as the minimum people should go for most nutrients. I cannot speak for vitamin K but I do know that a safe daily amount of vitamin D3 is 3,000 IU for people with light skin and 5,000 IU for people with dark skin.
Vitamin D3 was one of 8 key nutrients in my all-natural cancer treatment that my doctor put me on. However I was taking 10,000 to 15,000 IU per day during the fall and winter months and only 5,000 IU during the spring and summer when I could use the sunlight for the additional amounts. It is vital that people get a 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test, also known as a 25(OH)D blood test to determine how low your vitamin D levels are. Optimal levels are between 50-70 ng/mL.
The majority of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin D at various degrees. The further away you live from the equator the more deficient you are and you can only get vitamin D / D3 from sun exposure without wearing UVB sunscreen during the spring and summer months.It is impossible to get it from the sun during the fall and winter months, unless you live near the equator. – I hope you don’t mind me sharing my knowledge on vitamin D and D3.
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your feed back, much appreciated.
I will be looking into the RDA for Vitamin D/D3 and including it. Thank you for mentioning it. I have also heard about some of the new research into Vitamin B17 and it’s benefits in treating and preventing cancer.
Thank you and best wishes,