What Is Sugar Detox

What is A Sugar Detox? Why It is Important

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Best Sugar Detox Plan

Health Risks Associated With Sugar

  • Heart Disease Risk
        • Study participants who traced 25 percent of their daily calories to sugar were twice as likely to die from a heart condition compared to those participants whose daily diets included 10 percent added sugar. Regardless of the person’s age, gender, body mass index, or level of normal physical activity, the danger of dying from heart disease rose in direct proportion to the share of sugar in their diet, researchers found.

      Diabetes Risk

      Studies have shown that there is a relationship between the quantity of sugar consumed to diabetes.
      The longer the study participants were exposed to excess sugar, the higher the diabetes rate. And diabetes rates dropped when the supply of sugar dropped. Still, researchers indicate the findings don’t prove that sugar causes diabetes. They suggest that sugar has effects on the liver and pancreas that food and obesity don’t.

      Obesity Risk

      People who ingested large quantities of sugar were 54 percent more likely to be overweight. Once more studies have concluded a robust connection between obesity and sugar within the diet.
      Sugar consumption should be seriously considered as a contributor to the obesity pandemic.

      Nutritional Risk

      Sugar contains no nutritional value and the importance of avoiding foods whose labels list sugar as the primary or second ingredient should be taken into account. Sugar causes cravings for more
      sugar. The more sugar you consume the more you set your health in peril.

      Tooth Decay Risk

      Health records around the world indicate that in countries, where there is a low sugar intake resulted in the majority of people studied, have no cavities. Countries that have a high sugar intake have shown, that about 60 percent of people within the United States have cavities the highest of being seen in adolescence. Using fluoride may be a method to offset the prevalence of the disease.

      Some Other Reasons To Eliminate Sugar

      May Increase Your Risk of Depression
      May Increase Your Risk of Cancer
      Increases Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
      Has Been Linked to Acne
      May Accelerate the Skin Aging Process
      Can Increase Cellular Aging
      Drains Your Energy
      Can cause liver disease

      These are just a few of the health problems caused by sugar. Excess sugar intake has been linked to all sorts of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cavities. Men should consume no more than 9 teaspoons of sugar every day, while women should get no more than 6 teaspoons, according to the American Heart Association. Most people consume twice that quantity.

      The Sugar Detox

    • Quitting sugar has been compared to the alcoholic quitting alcohol or the junkie quitting drugs. Sugar could also be considered a drug and it’s getting to be necessary to need similar steps to quit your sugar addiction. First of all, you’ll very likely suffer from what’s mentioned as withdrawal symptoms. Once your body gets used to something, it really tries to fight you once you want to vary things.
    • Sugar affects the brain’s reward system. Sugar triggers the discharge of dopamine the feel-good chemical. Who doesn’t want to feel good? Unfortunately, your body after a brief time requires more sugar for this dopamine. Consider yourself on a roller coaster ride. Cutting added sugar from your diet may cause physical and mental symptoms. How the body reacts to abandoning sugar is different for everyone. The withdrawal symptoms and their severity will depend on what proportion of added sugar you were taking in through sweetened foods and beverages.
    • Some people find that their symptoms last from a few days to a couple of weeks. As your body adapts to a coffee-added-sugar diet over time your added sugar intake becomes less and less intense. You may find that your symptoms are worse at certain times of the day, like between meals. Stress may trigger sugar, so you will find that your symptoms feel worse during times of stress.

Mental symptoms

Cutting added sugar from your diet may cause sort of emotional and mental symptoms, including:
Depressed mood. Some people may feel down once they cut added sugar from their diet. this is often partly because of a decrease in dopamine release. Anxiety. Feelings of anxiousness could even be amid nervousness, restlessness, and irritability.

You may become less patient and jittery as you desire sugar. Changes in sleep patterns. You would possibly find it hard to nod off or stay asleep through the night. Cognitive issues. you’ll find it difficult to concentrate once you quit sugar. this will cause you to forget things and make it hard to specialize in tasks, like work or school. Cravings. In conjunction with craving sugar, you’ll find yourself craving other foods, like carbs similar to bread, pasta, and potato chips.

Physical symptoms

When giving up sugar, you might notice that you’re feeling physically run down. Some people get headaches.

Other possible physical withdrawal symptoms include:

      • light-headedness or dizziness
      • nausea
      • fatigue

Need To Make A Plan

Most things without a plan and a commitment to that plan may cause you to fail. Have a journal so you can write down what you are doing throughout your day and how you are feeling. What can you do to feel better? Make a list.


Keeping the body properly hydrated encourages oxygen to flow freely throughout the body. This allows you to be more attentive, alert and focused. Water itself is a powerful detoxifier because it assists the kidneys and colon to eliminate waste. Hydration means drinking water (not coffee, caffeinated teas, or energy drinks). Drink 6-8 glasses (250mL) of water per day. Don’t drink water with meals because it dilutes stomach acid and leads to poor digestion. Add a squeeze of lemon into your water for added benefits and some flavor.

Protein & Fat Are Your Friends

Eating tons of sugar creates a cycle of low blood sugar and this creates intense hunger + angry feelings when deprived of sugar. One way to break the cycle, besides eliminating sugar, is to eat meals that contain tons of good protein and fat (nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, etc.). Protein and fat are more difficult to digest, making you feel full for longer periods of time.

Types of Foods

Focus on eating colorful foods. When you eat vegetables and fruits in a rainbow-bright assortment of colors, you are getting a whole array of antioxidants and phytonutrients that all have specific jobs to keep the body healthy, skin vibrant, and eyes strong. Again, this detox is not about deprivation, so when you’re hungry, eat! Just make vegetables the star of the plate.

Being Prepared

The key to any good detox is to be prepared. Look over the menu below and see which ingredients you need to buy, and which foods you need to prep ahead of time. Prepping lunches the night before is a great way to save time in the morning.

Some Diet Ideas

Day 1

Wake Up: Drink Lemon Water (250mL)
Breakfast: Celery, Cucumber & Kale Smoothie Add a scoop of protein powder or nut butter to increase fat and protein content
Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Morning Snack: Chia Pudding Cup Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Lunch: Salmon and Greens with Cumin Dressing Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Afternoon Snack: Hummus with Sliced Carrots, Cucumbers, and celery Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Dinner: Herb Roasted Chicken Breasts with Wild Rice, Artichoke & Kale Salad Water Break: Hot Water with Lemon

Day 2

Wake Up: Drink Lemon Water (250mL)
Breakfast: Blueberry Ginger Kale Smoothie Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Morning Snack: Handful Roasted Spiced Almonds Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Lunch: Thai Glazed Chicken Lettuce Wraps Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Afternoon Snack: Apple with 2 Tablespoons Almond Butter
Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Dinner: Oh My Chickpea Goodness Burger (no bun) with Gluten-Free Tabbouleh Salad Water Break: Hot Water with Lemon

Day 3

Wake Up: Drink Lemon Water (250mL)
Breakfast: Green Smoothie Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Morning Snack: Handful of Strawberries and ¼ cup Almonds
Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Lunch: Citrus Roasted Tilapia with Greek Quinoa Salad Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Afternoon Snack: Guacamole with Sliced Veggies Water Break: Drink Water (250mL)
Dinner: Sheet Pan Chicken and Veggie Dinner Water Break: Hot Water with Lemon

Herbs To Help With Sugar Cravings


Cinnamon can help lower blood sugar levels, which helps to minimize those insulin spikes that can lead to cravings and overeating. Plus cinnamon is delicious and adds a natural earthy sweetness to foods, helping to track and satisfy our taste buds.


Rosemary helps circulate blood flow, especially to the head, making it a helpful ally in combating those sugar withdrawal headaches.


Thyme can help with digestion which comes in handy during detox as we are making dietary changes and transitioning to a new way of eating. Thyme has a unique way of warming and relaxing the body to help stimulate effective digestive function and even may help relieve gas and cramping.


Sage has been used for centuries because it contains powerful antioxidants that can help lower blood sugar levels and keep cholesterol in check. But what I love about sage during detox is that it provides support to our nervous system and can help our bodies go from “fight or flight” stress mode to “rest and digest.” So sage can help us relax and feel calmer, making us feel stronger and more confident as we go through the detox.


Turmeric is often known as a detox herb because it helps to support the liver, which is our body’s natural detoxifier. By adding turmeric to our diet, we are helping to eliminate some environmental and dietary toxins. Plus, turmeric can also help regulate blood sugar levels and may help lower cholesterol while reducing inflammation that can lead to chronic disease.


It which can help promote mental balance and help our bodies manage stress more effectively. -including the stress, we might feel from giving up sugar! Tulsi helps to lower blood sugar levels, and it has a naturally sweet flavor that can help ease the transition from sugary foods.


Known as stinging nettle, this fierce plant helps us by providing a ton of nutrition. Cravings are a result of our body asking for nutrients! And nettle is so packed with minerals, that it helps ease cravings because it’s filling your body up with the nutrients it needs.

      1. Herbs can help you curb your sugar cravings as well as treat some of the sugar withdrawal symptoms that naturally occur as you cut out sugar.
      2. Either purchase herbs in tea bags or just steep 1-2 tablespoons into hot water for a detox tea with lots of benefits.
      3. Adding spices to your cooking is an easy way to add flavor AND help to stop your sugar cravings.

30-Day Sugar Detox Video


Quitting sugar is not easy, it is even compared to having a cocaine addiction. There are few who go on a 28-day program similar to the detox program for other addictions. This is a safe environment and there are some supplements you may be able to take to eliminate those sugar cravings. Please do not think artificial sweeteners are in any way a substitute, I personally think they are more dangerous.

Thank you for reading


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2 thoughts on “What Is Sugar Detox”

  1. Thank you for this great information on how and why to detox from sugar.  I like your suggestions of incorporating protein and fat into the diet to help ward off hunger as well as scheduling water breaks throughout the day. Since I also have most of the spices you mention to ward off cravings, I’m going to give it a try.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

    • Hi Cynthia,

      Thank you for your comments. Sugar can be nasty stuff, I am glad you have most of the spices to ward off the cravings. I would like to know how you make out with a sugar detox.

      Wishing you all the best,



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