Clear Skin Home Remedies

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Clear Skin Home Remedies

Many of us are heading into winter. During this season we face dry skin caused by the solidification of skin’s oily content during winter. There are several expensive moisturizers out there most of them are made out of natural products. These can come from certain plants like the aloe vera plant, natural herbal oils, and even fruits. Even though the title has the word remedies, this article will concentrate on doing the things necessary to maintain healthy beautiful skin before any remedies are required. Our skin is exposed to a lot of damaging toxins and it is important to protect it.

Your Home Skin Care

To do away with the conditions of hardness harnessed during winter, the consumption of juicy fruits and vegetables with the particular inclusion of olive oil and primrose juice will prove to be a healthy alternative. In order to get rid of external dryness and chaps, the application of coconut oil prior to bathing can be another helpful option.

  • As far as the application of oil is concerned, it is better to opt for ones that do not clog the dermal pores.
  • Non-clogging oils such as avocado oil, primrose oil, and almond oil should be preferred over those causing block skin pores.
  • Avocado is Good For Health!
  • Application of petroleum jelly on areas particularly affected by chaps and dryness happens to be one of the most effective options.
  • Instead of using soap high in its alkaline content, it is better to have your skin washed with a paste of ground gram and yogurt.
  • In case, you prefer using soap, make sure to use one with adequate moisturizing content. Soaps based on natural oils and glycerin may turn out to be a healthy alternative.
  • Avoid using hot water for bathing; instead, go for lukewarm water enriched with drops of glycerin or herbal oil such as tea tree oil to make up for the loss of moisture.
  • The skin may be similarly hydrated with cold creams and moisturizers oily in content. In place of water-based moisturizers opted for during summer, go for the oily ones.
  • Moisturizing lotions based on glycerin and alpha-hydroxyl content can contribute to the soothing feel of the skin.
  • Skin toner containing essential oils or the rejuvenating elements of Vitamin E can prove to be similarly effective.
  • However, if the facial skin is naturally oily, avoid using the same on the face.
  • While going for a manicure and pedicure, make sure to have your limbs soaked in lukewarm water enriched with drops of natural oils.
  • To prevent brittleness in nails, make sure to pamper your fingers and toenails with sufficient touches of oil, glycerin, or moisturizers.
  • In order to overcome flaking, chapping, and itchy cracks caused during winter, use cotton socks & gloves to have yourself adequately covered from the pinching chill of winter.
  • Avoid using facial packs and masks which suck out the natural oil content of the skin. A facial pack containing mud should be avoided for this reason. Rather, go for cleansing milk and an oil-based pack.
  • Facial masks containing avocado extracts in addition to olive oil are helpful during winter.
  • Similarly, a blend of yogurt, buttermilk, and sour cream or the creamy layer of milk with respective ingredients being combined in a small measure is helpful for activating the skin’s collagen content.
  • To overcome conditions of dryness and chap formation on lips, opt for a lip balm enriched with Vitamin E.
  • Likewise, to get rid of ugly cracks on your feet, go for a therapeutic ointment or lotion containing Vitamin E. In extreme cases of cracks, one needs to use an ointment containing the necessary antibiotics.
  • A vital skincare tip for winter involves the bare minimum use of water. After a wash or shower, make sure to pat yourself completely dry.
  • In case your work demands recurrent exposure to water, make sure to use gloves to have your hands well-protected.
  • Use humidifiers to have the indoor environment well hydrated and moisturized. With the help of a humidifier, winter-harnessed dryness and conditions of cracks can be overcome.
  • One need not avoid using sun cream during winter, but it is always preferable to use one with increased moisturizing content.

Common Skin Problems


Acne is a common ailment that bothers teenagers. Typically, called pimples, acne is mostly seen on the face but can also occur on other parts of the body such as on the neck, back, and even shoulders. Its full form is Acne Vulgaris. Sebum produced by the sebaceous gland keeps the skin and the hair on it moist. During adolescence, the sebaceous glands get enlarged and they produce excess sebum which encourages fungal growth and is the prime cause of acne.

Home Remedies For Acne:

  • Acne treatment using vitamin – vitamin A as well as Niacin is very effective in the treatment of Acne. Foods that are rich in such vitamins and niacin are very good for acne treatment. Spinach, broccoli, celery, asparagus, and mushrooms are some of the chief sources of niacin. Liver with pepper, lemon juice, and olive oil can be used as bread spread for sandwiches.
  • Using Zinc for Acne Treatment – Treatment of Acne using Zinc is the latest of the treatments although results might vary from person to person. Wheat germ, cashew nuts pecan nuts, and pine nuts crushed in a grinder and sprinkled on a salad is a very effective source of zinc.
    • Orange Peel is also a good remedy for Acne treatment – Crushed orange peel with a water base applied to acne is effective. A face scrub made of orange peels and gram flour is also effective.
    • Lemon juices in Acne treatment – Lemon juice applied regularly on acne reduces it effectively. Vitamin C in it does the trick. Lemon juice mixed with the same amount of mint will also reduce inflammation.
    • Garlic is medicine for Acne – one of the best medicines for acne is garlic. Garlic rubbed on the acne more than once a day clears the rigid of the acne problems. Three pods of raw garlic eaten once a day regularly for a month cleanses the blood of all its impurities and thus helps reduce and prevent acne problems. Garlic juice mixed with yogurt can also be applied. Allicin the natural antibiotic in garlic does the trick. Yogurt again contains a number of vitamins and fatty acids that help the skin to maintain moisture without making it oily.
    • Coriander and Mint used together are good for Acne treatment – Coriander juice to which a pinch of turmeric is added is a very effective home remedy for acne. It should be applied at night after washing the face thoroughly. It must be kept overnight.
    • Fenugreek paste – A paste of the fenugreek leaves when applied on the acne and left overnight and then washed away with warm water in the morning not only prevents acne but blackheads too.
    • Cucumber as a home remedy – Cucumber applied to the face in a grated form and left for twenty minutes and then washed off has been found to be a good home remedy for acne.
    • An effective face pack for acne treatment – A face pack using Fuller’s Earth and a small portion of apple cider vinegar should be made. This paste when applied on the face is a very effective remedy. If steam is applied to the face before application it is more helpful.
    • Hot water Enema –An enema taken daily with hot water helps cleanse the bowel and detoxify the body and in the process helps reduce acne.
      • Epsom salt – A bath in hot water to which Epsom salt is added twice a week is effective in acne treatment. The patient should be in the bathtub for at least half an hour and then allow the body to cool gradually.
      • Using oils having antifungal properties – Oils such as clove oil, oil from oregano, the tea tree oil have all anti-fungal properties. When applied on the skin they combat bacterial infection and thus reduce acne.
      • Honey and oatmeal – Honey and oatmeal combination as breakfast cereal is again a very effective anti-acne treatment.
      • A mixture of turmeric and sandalwood powder in a little water base when applied to the affected area clears acne effectively.
      • One teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with three tablespoons of honey and applied over acne overnight and thereafter washed with warm water is very effective. Two weeks of treatment permanently removes and clears acne.
      • A paste of Nutmeg and unboiled milk applied to the affected area is also good.


The most common cause of wrinkling of the skin is the process of aging; apart from this, we can see the wrinkled appearance of skin when it is immersed in water for a long duration of time. The latter is temporary in nature and reverts to normal when the moisture from the skin gets removed.

The wrinkled skin due to aging or expressions of moisture is something that is natural and inevitable. Other factors that cause the condition are damage to the skin due to sun exposure, dehydration, smoking, side effects of some medications, and unhealthy lifestyle.

Types of wrinkles

Wrinkles are generally classified into three forms as follows:

  • Surface lines
  • This type is shown in the form of the appearance of fine lines or folds on the skin, which are visible only from a close distance. Most of the wrinkle treatment solutions focus on the removal of these fine lines.
  • Deeper Furrows
  • These are the more visible and larger folds of skin which are generally irreversible without surgery. They are mainly caused due to aging.
  • Wrinkles due to aging
  • Wrinkling of the skin due to aging can be considered to be inevitable. As we grow old, our skin gradually loses the strength and elasticity it used to possess previously. It becomes thinner and more susceptible to reacting to the environmental conditions surrounding us. As a result, it becomes less capable of protecting against any damage caused by the external agent. All these factors lead to the development of creases, folds, and wrinkles on the skin of various parts of the body.

Other major reasons for the appearance of wrinkles

  • Genetic Reasons
  • The genetic factor is one of the major reasons for the development and growth of wrinkles. As obvious, there is nothing that we can do about it except blame our hereditary trait for this. It is more likely for you to develop wrinkles early if your parents developed them at a younger age, as compared to someone whose parents were free from wrinkles when they were of the same age.
  • Smoking
  • Causes a reduction in blood supply to the skin, as claimed by experts. Consequently, early aging of the skin is caused which may lead to wrinkles.
  • Exposure to UV radiation
  • UV radiation emitted by the Sun is known to possess a gamut of harmful effects on the skin. Those people, who tend to spend most of their time in the day under the Sun’s rays, tend to develop wrinkles early because of exposure to these rays.
  • Skin Type
  • Some people who have a lighter form of the skin may experience rapid damage to the skin due to environmental exposure and Sun exposure. This may lead to wrinkling of the skin.
  • General expressions on the face
  • Certain habits and behavioral patterns increase the risk of premature skin aging. Avoiding them can help keep your skin looking younger. Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes (crow’s feet) or between the eyebrows (frown lines) are thought to be caused by small muscle contractions. Over a lifetime, habitual facial expressions like frowning, smiling, or squinting leave their mark on our skin.
  • Sleeping Positions
  • The way you sleep may actually cause wrinkles. No matter how soft your pillow is, it puts pressure on your face. Over the years, this can result in the appearance of lines on your chin, cheeks, or forehead. Your personal pattern of sleep lines depends on how you tend to rest your face on the pillow.
  • Weight cycling or yo-yo dieting
  • Some experts believe that years of repeated dieting – losing and gaining back large amounts of weight – can damage the skin. Repeated stretching of the skin may harmfully affect the elasticity of the skin.

People have been trying a number of remedies to get rid of these wrinkles and look young again and several research teams have come up with creams and even pills to arrest the development of wrinkles. In addition, you can also try some home remedies which are amazingly effective, but much less expensive.

Home remedies for wrinkles

Here are some home remedies to smoothen and firm your skin and get rid of wrinkles:

  • For starters, wear a wide spectrum sunscreen on the sun-exposed areas of the body.
  • Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest and most effective home remedies for treating wrinkles. Water keeps the body hydrated and maintains the moisture level in the skin.
  • Fill your diet with antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. Consume dark-colored fruits and vegetables; nuts like almonds, and walnuts; legumes, beans, eggs, whole grains, and green tea; fruits like papaya, pineapple, and watermelon; vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, ginger, and garlic.
  • Grind a handful of fresh fenugreek leaves to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your face and leave it on overnight. In the morning, wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Apply the fresh aloe vera gel onto your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Mix a pinch of grated ginger with a tablespoon of honey. Eat this mixture every morning. You can also drink ginger tea twice daily.
  • Mash two ripe bananas into a thick paste. Apply the paste on the wrinkled areas. Leave it on for at least half an hour and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow it with some good moisturizer.
  • Regularly massaging olive oil onto the affected skin area will moisturize, repair, and even regenerate skin cells.
  • Applying rice bran oil is great for wrinkles and tightening the skin.
  • Massage almond oil into your facial skin to delay the effects of aging.
  • Grate one carrot to make a paste. Apply it directly on the face and leave it on for about half an hour. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Apply lemon juice mixed with amla powder (Indian gooseberry) onto your face to treat wrinkles and delay aging.
  • Retinol is a vitamin that stimulates the cells to produce collagen. This vitamin is found in foods like liver, eggs, and fortified cereals. So, you should eat plenty of these. Eating foods rich in antioxidants also helps to reduce free radicals and improve wrinkles.
  • Wash your face with warm water. Then apply honey all over the face and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash thoroughly. This should be repeated daily for the best results.
  • Place thin slices of cucumber on your face, especially on your eyes, and leave for 15 minutes. They make the face appear fresh and are especially effective for wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.
  • Apply warm virgin coconut oil on your face. This helps your skin to retain its elasticity.
  • Apply the juice of pineapple on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Cut tomatoes into little pieces and squeeze. Mix a little honey with it and apply on your face for about 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  • Make a paste with 4 tbsp of milk powder, 2 tbsp of honey, and 2 tbsp of warm water and apply on your face. Cover with a warm wet towel for 20 minutes and then remove it with another towel.


No matter what skin type you have or what age you are, the arrival of a pimple is always met with annoyance. It always seems to rear its angry head at the most inopportune times. More often than not, it’s happened before a family function or big party when you’re set to put your best foot forward. Pimples hamper even the best-made plans, where you end up having to apply layer after layer of concealer on top. Let’s find out why this happens in the first place.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is famous for its antibacterial properties. Dilute 2 drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of carrier oil like coconut oil and dab it on the pimple. Let it sit for a few hours and wash it off with warm water.

This can be used in a dilution of a 1:8 ratio as tree oil tends to be very strong and irritant when applied undiluted. Always dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil first. 4- 5% tea tree oil formulation is ideal for the skin. It can be combined with an oil-free, acne-friendly moisturizing gel.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most reputable ingredients in the skincare world. It soothes and promotes repair. A dab of fresh aloe vera gel can help settle a pimple when left overnight.

Aloe vera contains salicylic acid and sulfur that help efficiently in bringing down the redness, and pain, and drying up the pus in the pimples, ultimately soothing the skin. Use it directly from your plant if you are not allergic to it. Try the spot application first.

3. Honey

A dab of honey can do wonders for pimple-ridden skin. Its antibacterial properties can reduce inflammation and encourage healing. Apply a drop or two on the affected area through the night and wash it off the next morning.

4. Crushed Aspirin

Don’t let pimples give you a headache! Instead use an aspirin tablet by crushing it into a fine powder, turning it into a paste with a few drops of water, and dotting on the pimple. It is anti-inflammatory in nature and will soothe the skin problem.

Yes, it is surprisingly cheap and effective. A mixture of 1:3 aspirin to water can be used with honey curd or both and applied as a face mask or spot application for about half an hour till it dries out. Clean your face before using it as a home remedy for pimples.

5. Ice

Wrap an ice cube in a fine cloth and place it on the pimples. Don’t use ice directly on the skin or hold it on the area for more than 20 seconds. Ice it, remove it for the same length of time, and ice it again. You can repeat this twice a day. It will ease the pain of the swelling and help contract the pimple.

6. Green Tea

Brew a bag of green tea and after a few minutes, remove it from the heat and let it cool. Once cold to touch, place on top of pimples. As an overnight remedy, dot brewed green tea over the pimple before sleeping. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce swelling and redness.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

An extremely popular remedy, yet it requires to be done with a lot of caution as it can cause irritant reactions. A ratio of 1:3 is used to create a solution that can be damned on the pimples twice a day very cautiously kept on for half a minute and then washed off. The lactic acid and succinic acid in this vinegar provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action on the pimples.

8. Honey And Cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon both are considered to work well. A 2:1 ratio can be used effectively to dry out and decrease the scarring of your pimples or can be used as a complete face mask. It tends to have a drying effect on the skin and needs to be applied only after a patch test.

9. Rosemary Extract

This is a very popular antibacterial and antioxidant oil. Apply on your pimples with a cotton bud or cotton ball and wash away in 15 to 20 minutes.

10. Jojoba Oil

This shrub-derived oil also has anti-acne properties and can be used after dilution in a clay mask, moisturizing cream, or gel formulations or can also be applied as a spot application on the pimples.

11. Cucumber Ice

Make cucumber paste in your blender and freeze it as cubes. This can be used for very painful reddish inflammatory pimples to calm them down and bring you relief from the pain immediately.

Some creams may cause adverse reactions. The above treatments are natural and you will not be spending a lot of money on them.

I also recommend Ayurveda Treatments for healthy natural skin.

Thank you for reading


Comments are welcome

6 thoughts on “Clear Skin Home Remedies”

  1. Ice! Why didn’t I think of that? 

    I think that is the most cost-effective way we could opt for since it’s the easiest to get, at least what I could opt for years ago when I was in a rough spot in life. It may be an uncomfortable option as we’ll have to put something cold on our face but definitely worth it for the long run for contracting that ugly pimple, urgh! Can’t wait to try it out 😀

    • Hi Riaz,

      Thank you for your comments. Yes, I can see ice being a bit uncomfortable, but it is so cost effective. It is amazing the number of natural remedies we can use for so many health issues.

      Best wishes,


  2. Hi there, I believe in anything that has to do with natural ways of addressing things such as home skin care.
    My website has to do with natural ways to treat lowering blood sugar. I really enjoyed your article about your skin because skin is very important and it happens to be your body‘s largest organ.

    And not only that it is the organ that everyone sees it’s visible. While I have never had acne getting older the wrinkles are starting to show and it’s something that I would like to address.

    But you have some very excellent suggestions here I’m going to bookmark your site and forward it to other people I know would be interested.

    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi there, I believe in anything that has to do with natural ways of addressing things such as home skin care.
    My website has to do with natural ways to treat lowering blood sugar. I really enjoyed your article about your skin because skin is very important and it happens to be your body‘s largest organ.

    And not only that it is the organ that everyone sees it’s visible. While I have never had acne getting older the wrinkles are starting to show and it’s something that I would like to address.

    But you have some very excellent suggestions here I’m going to bookmark your site and forward it to other people I know would be interested.

    • Hi Rob,

      Thank you for your comments. Like you, I am all for the natural way. I even did a post about the number of toxic chemicals in which both men and women use on their faces. Companies like Johnson and Johnson even Maybelline profit before health.

      Best wishes,



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